TalkItAll Soundbox is developed as an product to be used by Banks, Ewallets, UPI wallets to offer the same solution of instant payment sound announcer what is currently only offered by TalkitAll and help them break the monopoly.
TalkitAll Soundbox is an audio assisted smart Fintech IoT device which provides instant notifications when you receive a payment. It is a small portable speaker for your daily payment alerts which comes with a SIM based connectivity. When a customer makes a UPI, Credit, Debit or Online payment by scanning any QR code the Sound box will notify you of successful payments with a loud alert & show the display in the LED screen by speaking the transaction like a human assistant.
TalkItAll Soundbox is developed as an product to be used by Shop Owners, Merchants, Restaurants, Small vendors etc for instant payment sound & visual confirmation. It can work with any UPI providers like PayTm, Google Pay, Phone Pe, etc.
TalkitAll soundbox will announce successful payments received on your Paytm QR by announcing the amount loudly. This device can be mapped with your UPI QR code or UPI Provider by doing some simple configurations and all payments received on scanning the UPI QR Code will be announced instantly. The general steps are as below :-
Customer scans Merchants QR code using any UPI App
Customer makes payment successfully
Merchant receives Payment successfully
Talk It All Soundbox instantly annouces payment received.
As a Bank or UPI Provider if you make the Talk It All Sound box available to your merchants, getting started is easy.
Note :- Assuming the device is shipped to the merchant pre configured by the UPI Provider.