Talk it All (TIA) is a product of On Demand Biz (ODB). TalkItAll is an product which aims to be an All-In-One Speaker or announce the payment transaction similat to TalkitAll Soundbox Everytime you receive a payment, get a voice notification
Talk It All Sound box is developed as an product to be used by Banks, E-wallets, UPI wallets to offer the same solution of instant payment sound announcer what is currently only offered by Talk It All and help them break the monopoly.
At Talk It All, we believe in the innovation & how new ideas can be adopted by industry to solve specific problems or requirements of various enterprise. Thus to perfectly meet industry needs we engineer highly customize our projects to make them feature-rich, robust, visually stunning and highly responsive and interactive. With our background in Software Development we ensure the required access with web and mobile backend and front end solutions.
Our Philosophy starts-and-ends at Client-first approach. Be it understanding your business requirements to choosing the right technologies, we work as a collective team that takes all thepossible steps to grow continuously towards our common goal.
We promote a collaborative work environment. We involve everyone working in the organization in community decisions and encourage them to think in a broader perspective. Our work process promotes flexibility and we maintain high level of discipline at different levels of execution.
Our 14+ years of experience in the domain helps us understand the need-of-the-hour better. This understanding drives us to a better future with every minute ticking. We believe we will be taking off major businesses from their flagship positions, with the products we are eyeing today.